Bio-physical and demographic characteristics
Shared by Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
The only lake among the AGL with high amounts of methane and CO2
Surface area = 2,370 km², shoreline = 860 km
Basin has a population of ~2 million people
One of the highest population densities and growth rates in the AGL region
Majority of the population lacks clean water and has poor sanitation
Values and investment opportunities
~28 fish species, 50% of which are endemic cichlids with four introduced fish species
Biggest local source of fish in Rwanda and produces ~21,400 tons of fish per year with the introduced Lake Tanganyika sardine as the main fishery
Fishery supports ~500,000 people in Rwanda and the DRC
Extraction of large volumes of methane could generate substantial electric energy
High potential for tourism on islands and around the lake
Ecological and economic concerns
Lake shores and basin are densely populated with settlements
Localized eutrophication from land-use change along the lake shores
Sardine fishery is threatened by rapidly increasing fishing pressure
Deforestation, especially in Rwanda, is high due to the high population density
Reported conflicts among fishers from Rwanda and the DRC
Regional commission to coordinate policies and regulations for resource management
National policies and regulations to guide development and conservation of natural resources are in place
Some short-term regional projects have been implemented by international organizations
Limited funding from national governments and international groups
Potential sustainable development interventions
Improve the coordination of national management and promote community groups for development and conservation of natural resources
Establish sustainable funding mechanisms for development and conservation of natural resources
Enforce measures to ensure methane extraction is done sustainably and does not harm people and the environment
Determine levels for sustainable exploitation of the sardine fishery